Lunch Letter

Child Nutrition Program
955 West 12th Street - Ogden UT 84404
Office: 801-476-7838 - Fax: 801-476-7952
Kayleen Anderson, Supervisor - Wendi Atkinson, Accounts Payable
Nancy Brown, Coordinator - Genina Walton, Coordinator
School lunches are available for students that are long term flexible learning at home. Lunches will be available for pick up at the following “hub” locations:
Weber Innovations for the Fremont Cone area
1007 W. 12th Street Ogden, UT 84404
Orchard Springs for the Weber Cone
3300 N. 975 W. Ogden, UT 84414
Roy Jr. High for the Roy Cone
5400 S. 2100 W. Roy, UT 84067
Burch Creek for the Bonneville Cone
4300 S. Madison Ogden, UT 84403
Ordering will be open on Saturday prior to the coming week. You can order for the whole week or daily before 7:30 am for the day.
Ordering will be done online through the parent portal.
Order by Logging into Account Login
Parent portal.
Tool Menu
Grab-N-Go Meal request
At the present time we are only offering lunch.
Pickup will be at the time allocated online when ordering. 10:00-10:30 am will be the standard time for pick up. When picking up the meal a name will be required at the Point of Sale or a student ID can be used. This will allow the lunch to be charged to the student’s lunch account for eligibility purposes.
Thank you for your continued support.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.